! Damaging self-judgements about how useless you are in managing this condition, made worse by constant reminders from blood sugar readings
! Feeling de-motivated, frequently caused by the long-term nature of the condition and its relentlessness
! Feeling isolated or alone with nobody to talk to who understands you, the condition and its individual impact on you
! Constant questioning of "Why me?" that won't go away, no matter how hard you try
! Confusion about why the condition doesn't always follow the rules that you try to impose on it when managing diabetes
! Unsure of who to turn to discuss the extreme mood swings and upset associated with managing the long term condition
By talking openly and honestly in a non-judgemental environment, you can obtain some relief from the constant psychological and emotional demands placed on you by diabetes. The points raised above only scratch the surface of the many difficulties that diabetics face, at different intensities, throughout their lives. If any of these commonly reported difficulties sound familiar, then contact us below.